Alternative Medicines: Are They Effective?

In 2000, I had to spend a whole month in the 2nd floor of our home because my knees were so painful that I could not climb up or down the stairs. My weight then was around 210 pounds. Knowing that my weight was one of the reasons for the crippling condition, I embarked on the herculean task of losing weight.  Anti-obesity drugs did not work for me, so I decided to ask around for natural ways of losing weight rapidly.

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That’s when I found out about macrobiotic diet. The basic principle of the macrobiotic diet is to reduce the intake of foods that are processed and synthetic. All kinds of meat are also forbidden.  The basic ingredients for the viand that comprise a macrobiotic diet are the several components of the Ilocano “diningding” which are: tubers (such as camote or sweet potato, legumes such as string beans, fruit vegetables, (eggplants), and vegetable flower (squash flower). For rice, white rice is absolutely a no-no. To reap the most benefits from macrobiotic diet, I was told to use only brown rice. I stuck to this diet and lo and behold, I was able to lose 30 pounds in a month; the knee pains subsided and life went on.

However, in 2011, I was diagnosed with severe degenerative osteoarthritis. Again, I tried the alternative route. I went into acupuncture treatment. But, this time, the treatment did not work. Apparently, my condition was too far ahead that an operation is the only option.

From these experiences, I realized that it is not right to generalize whether alternative medicines are effective or not. It is all a question of timing. Alternative, or natural medicines are more effective for prevention but not as a cure. Aside from that, patients should meticulously follow the subscribed regimen in order for alternative treatments to work. Normally, people expect too much from alternative medicines without them following the prescribed treatment mode or length of time.

So, should we discard alternative medicines all together? The answer is no. Alternative medicines also serve a purpose; if only to make us aware of being conscious of our well-being. But we should regard alternative medicines only as a part of a healthy lifestyle. But, when serious illnesses occur, we still have to see our doctor.

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